Virginia Tech students accepted in any graduate program category: PhD, MS, MA, Commonwealth Campus, or Non-Degree can be admitted into the WSMC program by completing the Graduate Certificate Application, and completing a plan for taking courses required on the course checklist below. Students should meet with an academic adviser familiar with the classes on the list below and submit the application form to Dr. Kevin McGuire for the Certificate Program Approval signature no less than six months prior to completion of coursework.
After completing the 11-12 hours of courses required, take the course requirements checksheet (available on the WSMC webpage: to Dr. McGuire for signature. Students should bring a copy of their transcript for verification purposes. Submit the signed course requirements checksheet to Dr. McGuire no less than six months prior to completion of course requirements, or as soon as possible to meet the Graduate School deadlines. Transfer credits are not permitted.
Upon successful completion of certificate requirements, an Application For Certificate Conferral must be signed by the department and submitted by the Application for Degree deadline in the term in which the certificate will be awarded. The Graduate School will then check to see that courses listed on the Certificate Application form were satisfactorily taken (i.e., grades for certificate courses must be “C” or higher and the overall certificate GPA must be 3.0 or higher).
A. Required Core Course: Watershed Management (3 credit hours):
Choose one of the courses below:
UAP 5134G Land Use and Environment: Planning and Policy
UAP/NR 5414 Natural Resources Planning (NCR)
B. Additional Courses (8-9 credit hours):
1. Watershed Science (choose 1 course, 3 hours):
BSE 5404 Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution
FREC 5354G Advanced Forest Soils and Hydrology
LAR 5304G Topics: Advanced Landscape Architecture Technology - Hydrology
FIW 5534G Advanced Wetland Ecology and Management
NR 5884 Watershed Science, Education & Leadership (NCR)
CEE 5324 Advanced Hydrology (NCR)
CEE 5734 Urban Hydrology and Stormwater Management
GEOS 5804G Advanced Groundwater Hydrology
FIW 5814 Stream Habitat Management
2. Watershed Analysis (choose 2 courses, 5-6 hours):
BIOL 5034 Ecosystem Dynamics
BSE 5244 GIS in Hydrologic Analysis
BSE 5354 Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling
CEE 5204 GIS Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering (NCR)
FREC 5254 Remote Sensing of Natural Resources
FREC 5264 GIS Applications in Natural Resources Management
LAR 5044 Land Analysis and Site Planning
CSES 5854 Advanced Wetland Soils