Graduate Catalog
Policies, Procedures, Academic Programs
Biomedical Engineering
College of Engineering
Academics and engineering adtninistration. Formerly called Engineering Building. Southwest wing completed Spring 1960; cost $377,983; North wing, joining Holden Hall, completed Summer 1962; cost $529,100. Total building contains 72,375 sq. ft. Named after Earle Bertram Norris (1882-1966) who was Dean of the School of Engineering from 1928 to 1952 and Director of the Engineering Experiment Station from 1932 to 1952.
333N Norris Hall, 495 Old Turner Street (Virginia Tech), Mail Code:0219 Blacksburg VA 24061
Norris Hall
Degree(s) Offered:
• PhD
PhD Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Minimum GPA: 3.5
Offered In:
Wake Forest
• MS
MS Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Minimum GPA: 3.3
Offered In:
Wake Forest
Email Contact(s):
Web Resource(s):
Phone Number(s):
Application Deadlines:
Fall: Jan 05
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The Graduate School
Norris Hall

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Department Head : Joel Stitzel
Department Head : Jennifer Wayne
Graduate Program Director(s) : Yong Lee (Graduate Program Chair - Blacksburg), Francis Gayzik (Graduate Program Chair - Winston Salem)
Professors: Luke Achenie; Graca Almeida-Porada (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Evelyn Anthony (Winston-Salem); Anthony Atala (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Romesh Batra; Warren Bickel; John Bourland (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Rafael Davalos; David Dillard; Thomas Diller; Thomas Dingus; Stefan Duma; Kevin Edgar; Wu-Chun Feng; Michael Friedlander (Roanoke); Francis Gayzik (Wake Forest School of Medicine); William Gmeiner (Winston-Salem); Robert Gourdie (Roanoke); Metin Gurcan (Winston-Salem); Adam Katz (Winston-Salem); Daniel Kim-Shapiro (Winston-Salem); Paul Laurienti (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Alexander Leonessa; Chang Lu; Michael Madigan; Pendleton Montague (Roanoke); Michael Morykwas (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Andre Muelenaer; Michael Munley (Wake Forest School of Medicine); T Murali; Maury Nussbaum; Emmanuel Opara (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Boris Pasche (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Mark Paul; Olga Pierrakos (Winston-Salem); Saad Ragab; Thanassis Rikakis; Shane Ross; John Rossmeisl; Hooman Sadri-Ardekani (Winston-Salem); Webster Santos; Shay Soker (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Joel Stitzel (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Mark Stremler; Danesh Tafti; Alexandra Thomas (Winston-Salem); Pamela VandeVord; William Wagner (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Jennifer Wayne; James Yoo (Wake Forest School of Medicine)
Associate Professors: William Baumann; Bahareh Behkam; Brooks Casas; Linda Dahlgren; Kerry Danelson (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Raffaella De Vita; Jingzhong Ding (Winston-Salem); Zachary Doerzaph; Aaron Goldstein; Craig Hamilton (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Warren Hardy; William Huckle; James Jordan (Winston-Salem); Kylie Kavanagh (Winston-Salem); Andrew Kemper; Charlie Klauer; Stephen LaConte (Roanoke); Yong Lee; Majid Manteghi; Xin Ming (Winston-Salem); Kristen Nicholson (Winston-Salem); Michelle Olsen; Miguel Perez; Steven Poelzing (Roanoke); Christopher Porada (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Robin Queen; Edgar Romero-Sandoval (Winston-Salem); Steven Rowson; Eva Schmelz; Sean Simpson (Wake Forest School of Medicine); James Smyth (Roanoke); John Socha; Anne Staples; Surot Thangjitham; Michelle Theus; Umit Topaloglu (Winston-Salem); Costin Untaroiu; Scott Verbridge; Vincent Wang; Ashley Weaver (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Christopher Whitlow (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Abby Whittington; Timothy Williams (Winston-Salem); Saami Yazdani (Winston-Salem); Dawen Zhao (Wake Forest School of Medicine)
Assistant Professors: Irving Allen; Christopher Arena; Sara Arena; Alan Asbeck; Kristen Beavers (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Philip Brown (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Matthew Buczynski; Garrett Bullock (Winston-Salem); John Chappell (Roanoke); Arjun Chatterjee (Winston-Salem); Caitlyn Collins; Christina Cramer (Winston-Salem); Tracy Criswell (Winston-Salem); John Domann; Xin Feng (Winston-Salem); Netta Gurari; Adam Hall (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Aiguo Han; Erin Henslee (Winston-Salem); Blake Johnson; Jamie Justice (Winston-Salem); Sohan Kale; Bethany Kerr (Winston-Salem); Jeongchul Kim (Winston-Salem); Ji Hyun Kim (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Oleg Kim; Kenneth Kishida (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Arina Korneva; Samy Lamouille; Sang Lee (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Nicole Levi (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Megan Lipford (Winston-Salem); Samuel Lockhart (Winston-Salem); James Lord; Da Ma (Winston-Salem); Shannon Macauley-Rambach (Winston-Salem); Joshua Maxwell (Winston-Salem); Alexei Morozov; Kathleen Mulvaney (Roanoke); Jennifer Munson (Roanoke); Sean Murphy (Winston-Salem); Lucas Neff (Winston-Salem); Muhammad Niazi (Winston-Salem); Alexander Powers (Wake Forest School of Medicine); Elaheh Rahbar (Wake Forest School of Medicine); LaDeidra Roberts; Heather Shappell (Winston-Salem); Thomas Shupe (Winston-Salem); Divya Srinivasan; Rong Tong; Joanne Tuohy; Alexandrina Untaroiu; Jillian Urban (Wake Forest School of Medicine); James Ververs (Winston-Salem); Sujith Vijayan; Eli Vlaisavljevich; Jared Weis (Winston-Salem); Jeff Wiley (Winston-Salem)
L. Preston Wade Professor: Rafael Davalos
Harry C. Wyatt Professor: Stefan Duma
H. G. Prillaman Professor: Maury Nussbaum
Samuel Herrick Professorship: John Socha
Research Professors: Kimberly Horn; David Klorig (Winston-Salem); John Robertson
N. Waldo Harrison Professor: Pamela VandeVord
Kevin P. Granata Faculty Fellowship: Robin Queen
Kevin P. Granata Fellow: Vincent Wang
Clinical Professors: Sandeep Mittal (Roanoke)
Fred W. Bull: Chang Lu
Research Scientists: Devon Albert; Luke Riexinger
University Distinguished Professor and Clifton C. Garvin Provessor: Romesh Batra
Adhesive and Sealant Science Professor: David Dillard
Newport News-Tenneco Professor: Thomas Dingus
Research Assistant Professors: Bethany Rowson
Research Associate Professors: Jeffrey Stein

Biomedical Engineering Introduction

The Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University S chool of B iomedical E ngineering & S ciences (SBES) is a unique multidisciplinary program which couples the biomedical sciences, biomedical engineering, and real-world applications to enhance the quality of life. Our world-class faculty and students innovate and discover across a continuum of systems, from natural to engineered to medical.  

SBES is a fully joint graduate program formed in 2003 that brings together three prestigious academic units: the Virginia Tech College of Engineering, the Wake Forest School of Medicine, and the VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine.  Each of these separate entities contributes unique strengths to the combined enterprise so that students are offered a wide spectrum of first-class educational and research opportunities in a beautiful part of the country.

The SBES program is available to students at two campus locations. Blacksburg, Virginia is home to the VT College of Engineering and the VA-MD Veterinary College, both of which provide faculty to the program. Winston-Salem, NC is the home of the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center consisting of Wake Forest University Health Sciences and North Carolina Baptist Hospital. Contributors to SBES include the clinical departments and the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

SBES is a graduate level only program offering the following degree programs:

  • M.S. in Biomedical Engineering (Thesis & Non-Thesis)
  • Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
  • DVM/PhD offered through the Veterinary School in Blacksburg
  • MD/Ph.D. offered through the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
  • Accelerated undergraduate/graduate option (currently only at Virginia Tech)

The SBES curriculum currently consists of courses and research focused in 9 broad areas of concentration which include:

  • Automotive Safety
  • Biomaterials
  • Biomechanics
  • Biomedical Imaging
  • Cardiovascular Engineering
  • Nanomedicine & Nanobioengineering
  • Neuroengineering
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Translational Cancer Research

SBES encourages innovative thinking and novel approaches to problem-solving and seeks to tailor students' academic programs to their individual goals and research ambitions. Please refer to the SBES handbook for further details regarding concentrations. One campus is chosen as the “home campus” but students have the opportunity to experience both environments and the faculty of each through courses taught by video broadcast and by inter-campus visits. Many research projects are collaborative efforts between faculty and students across the two locations. All PhD students experience a required Clinical Rotation course much of which is given at the Medical Center in Winston-Salem.

Students successfully completing a graduate program in SBES will receive a joint degree from Virginia Tech and Wake Forest University.  The diploma displays the names and seals of both institutions.

Combination Degrees: MD/PHD and DVM/PHD

In addition to the regular M.S. and Ph.D. degrees SBES also offers two combination or collaborative degree programs; the M.D./Ph.D. and the D.V.M./Ph.D. through which a student completes both a medical degree and a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering. The M.D./ is available only in Winston-Salem and is offered through the Wake Forest University School of Medicine and SBES. The D.V.M./Ph.D. is available only in Blacksburg and is offered through the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine and SBES. The veterinary school is on the Virginia Tech campus. Application to these programs differs from the standard process involving the VT graduate school online system which is used for regular M.S. and Ph.D. applications. See website for details.

Offered In (Wake Forest, Roanoke, Blacksburg)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.5
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • TOEFL
      • 100.0
    • IELTS
      • Band: : 7.0

The Ph.D. degree requires a minimum of 90 total credit hours beyond the baccalaureate. Additionally, a dissertation must be written and defended before a 5-person committee. The Ph.D. plan of study is due by the end of the third semester of study registered as a Ph.D. student. All coursework must be 5000-level and above (VT campus) and 600-level and above (WFU campus). The distribution of required hours can be:

Entered before Fall 2023:

  • 40 - 55 credit hours of research (7994-level only, VT)
  • 35 - 50 course credits
Entered Fall 2023 and later:
  • 29 course credit (min.)
  • 61 credit hours of research (min.) (7994- level only, VT)

Specific course of study requirements are as follows:

Course Requirements for BME Ph.D. Program:

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biomedical Engineering must include the following minimum requirements:

Entered before Fall 2023:

  • 15 credits of engineering courses (BMES or from any engineering department) to include the required courses, Quantitative Cell Physiology and Quantitative Organ Systems Physiology.
  • 6 credits of graduate level mathematics, only 3 of which may be in statistics (see approved lists on website for each campus location)
  • 3 credits of life science coursework from approved courses and/or departments on each campus (see website/handbook for details)
  • 2 credits from the required BMES 6064 Clinical Rotation (available only to PhD candidates)
  • 9-24 credits in elective coursework, remainder of hours up to 90 in research
Fall 2023 and later
  • 12  credits of engineering courses (BMES or from any engineering department) to include the required courses, Quantitative Cell Physiology OR Quantitative Organ Systems Physiology.
  • 3 credits of graduate level mathematics (see approved lists on website for each campus location)
  • 3 credits of life science coursework from approved courses and/or departments on each campus (see website/handbook for details)
  • 2 credits from the required BMES 6064 Clinical Rotation (available only to PhD candidates)
  • 9-24 credits in elective coursework, remainder of hours up to 90 in research

Ph.D. students must complete training in Ethics, required by the Virginia Tech and Wake Forest Graduate Schools, which must be noted on the plan of study. Students at the Virginia Tech campus must also complete training in Diversity, required by the Virginia Tech Graduate School.  See the SBES Graduate Handbook for details regarding implementation on each campus.  Students are also required to enroll in and successfully complete the SBES Seminar course (BMES 5944 at VT and BMES 694 at WFU) for 6 semesters during their degree program.

Ph.D. students must pass a Qualifying Exam no later than the end of the second year for students entering directly into the Ph.D. program or within one year of entering the program after completing the M.S. degree.

ALL students are expected to attend and participate in the annual Research Symposium held each spring.  See the SBES Graduate Handbook for details regarding participation requirements.

Ph.D. students may elect to earn an M.S. degree "along the way" as an intermediate milestone to the Ph.D. with the prior approval of their advisor.  They must file an M.S. plan of study at the end of the second semester of study, and write and defend a thesis.

Please refer to the SBES Graduate Handbook on for details regarding all degree requirements.

The GRE is not required for applicants to this program!

Offered In (Wake Forest, Roanoke, Blacksburg)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.3
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • TOEFL
      • 100.0
    • IELTS
      • Band : 7.0

Master of Science Thesis requires a minimum of 30 total credit hours beyond the baccalaureate which must consist of:

  • 6 - 9 credit hours of research (5994-level only, VT)
  • 21 - 24 course credits

Specific course of study requirements are as follows:

Course Requirements for BME M.S. Program:

The M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering must include the following minimum requirements:

  • 9 credits of engineering courses (BMES or from any engineering department) to include the required courses, Quantitative Cell Physiology and Quantitative Organ Systems Physiology.
  • 3 credits of graduate level mathematics which can be either pure math or statistics from approved lists on each campus (see website)
  • 3 credits of life science from approved courses and/or departments on both campuses (see website/handbook for details)
  • 6 - 9 credits in elective courses, the remainder up to 30 in research

Master of Science Non-Thesis requires a minimum of 30 total credit hours beyond the baccalaureate which must consist of:

  • 3 Credits of Project and Report (5904-level only, VT)
  • 27 Course Credits

Specific course of study requirements are as follows:

Course Requirements for BME M.S. Program:

The M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering must include the following minimum requirements:

  • 9 credits of engineering courses (BMES or from any engineering department) to include the required courses, Quantitative Cell Physiology and Quantitative Organ Systems Physiology.
  • 3 credits of graduate level mathematics which can be either pure math or statistics from approved lists on each campus (see website)
  • 3 credits of life science from approved courses and/or departments on both campuses (see website/handbook for details)
  • 6 - 9 credits of technical elective courses
  • 3-6 credits of track elective courses

All coursework must be at the 5000-level or higher (Blacksburg) and 600-level or higher (Wake Forest). M.S. students must also enroll in and successfully complete the SBES Seminar course (BMES 5944 at VT and BMES 694 at WFU) for 4 semesters during their degree program.

All M.S. students must complete training in Ethics and Diversity, required by the graduate schools, which must be noted on the plan of study.  See the SBES Graduate Handbook for details regarding implementation at each campus.

A written plan of study is to be submitted at the end of two semesters of graduate study. There is no non-thesis M.S. degree at Wake Forest currently.

ALL students are expected to participate in the annual SBES Research Symposium held each spring, and are required to do an oral research presentation at least once before they graduate.

Please refer to the SBES Graduate Handbook on for details regarding all degree requirements.

The GRE is not required for applicants to this program!

Biomedical Engineering Facilities Introduction

On the Blacksburg campus SBES occupies Kelly Hall, on Stanger Street with approximately 30,000 sq. ft. of laboratory space designed specifically for cutting-edge biomedical research. Also available to graduate students at Blacksburg are the superior facilities of the Veterinary College (VMRCVM) which is part of the SBES alliance, the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, located on the VT campus, and most recently the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute (VTCRI) located in Roanoke, VA.

At Winston-Salem SBES students have access to top quality research resources through the Wake Forest University School of Medicine and its affiliation with North Carolina Baptist Hospital, one of the finest in the country. Additionally, SBES has ties to the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), an international leader in bringing cell and tissue engineering discoveries to clinical therapies. The WFIRM and other research groups are part of a 200-acre biotechnology initiative at the Piedmont Triad Research Park which will be the largest urban research park of its kind in the nation.

Soft Tissue Research: Experiments, Theory, and Computations by Hokies [Blacksburg]:

The STRETCH Lab: Raffaella De Vita, PI

Research in the STRETCH Lab focuses on characterizing the mechanical properties of biological systems ranging from cellular components to tissues, with special emphasis on the development of new mathematical models and experimental methods. Although the research interests in the STRETCH Lab are diverse and continuously evolve over time, the common thread that runs through much of the work is the genuine passion in advancing fundamental and mechanistic knowledge of biological systems. This knowledge is crucial for the development of effective interventions to prevent and treat illness and disability. website here.

Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Core (ANSIR) [Winston-Salem]

The Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research (ANSIR) Laboratory is a research group based in the Department of Radiology of Wake Forest University School of Medicine. The lab is devoted to the application of novel image analysis methods (e.g. diffeomorphic registration, machine learning, graph theory, ASL) to research studies, as well as to robust clinical translation of these techniques.  The lab also maintains a fully automated functional and structural image processing pipeline supporting the image storage and analysis needs of a variety of scientists and imaging studies at Wake Forest.   Website Here

Bioanatomic Imaging and Treatment Program [Winston-Salem]

The Bioanatomic Imaging and Treatment (BAIT) Program is a clinical and research program at North Carolina Baptist Hospitals and Wake Forest University School of Medicine. BAIT clinical and basic research focuses on the uses of bioanatomic imaging and treatment for patients who have cancer, on understanding the biological mechanisms of cancer as can be seen with imaging, and on radiation treatment responses.  Our scientific programs include image-based clinical trials and basic research in imaging science and radiation treatment physics.  website here.

Bioelectromechanical Systems Lab [Blacksburg]

Bioelectromechanical Systems is a cross disciplinary field that combines engineering and science from the nano to the macro level. In our laboratory we have developed technology for tissue viability detection, picoliter sample management, and imaging for molecular medicine.  We have developed three inexpensive solutions that use electrical feedback to perform complex procedures in biotechnology with precision and control.  Through this engineering approach, we have established robust methods for single cell analysis, selective cell concentration, and cancer therapy.  website here.

Biomedical Imaging Division [Blacksburg and Winston-Salem]

The mission of the Biomedical Imaging Division is to define and advance biomedical imaging frontiers, optimize clinical / preclinical potentials, and train the next generation of imaging scientists and engineers. It consists of two x-ray imaging laboratories; the SBES Advanced Multi-scale CT (SAM-CT) lab and the X-ray Systems Lab. The two labs house four commercial CT imaging systems and two custom-built CT imaging systems. Together they provide image resolution from 500 micrometers down to 50 nanometers, and sample size from 100 micrometers up to 100 millimeters, enabling biomedical discovery on a range of objects from a single cell to an adult rat.  website here

Center for Biomolecular Imaging [Winston-Salem]

The Center for Biomolecular Imaging (CBI) is a multi-technology Medical School facility comprised of state-of-the-art imaging modalities.  Its purpose is to support imaging research while facilitating multidisciplinary research. Part of its mission is to change the imaging research paradigm from pathoanatomy to imaging opportunities related to physiologic/functional imaging and molecular imaging.  Website Here

Center for Injury Biomechanics [Blacksburg and Winston-Salem]

The Center for Injury Biomechanics performs research investigating human tolerance to impact loading. The application of this research includes automobile safety, military restraints, and sports biomechanics. The Center combines experimental testing with anthropomorphic test drivers and computational modeling in order to develop human impact injury criteria.  Website Here

Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials [Winston-Salem]

Nanotechnology is engineering at the molecular level.  At Wake Forest University's Nanotech Center the revolutionary principles of nanotechnology are being used to address the pressing needs of human society from health care to green energy technologies.  The Nanotech Center is a shared resource serving academic, industrial, and governmental researchers across the region.  We welcome researchers from any discipline who wish to explore uses of nano-materials and nanotechnologies in their work.  Website Here.

Center for Regenerative Medicine [VT-Carilion, Roanoke]

The research of the lab is on the subunit proteins of gap junctions -- connexins.  Our work encompasses both basic and practical/translational aspects.  In basic research we study cellular and molecular mechanisms of the carboxyl terminal domain of Cx43 in regulating gap junction remodeling and electrical conduction in the normal and arrhythmic heart.  In our more practically oriented work, we focus on Cx43 assignments in wound healing, scarring, and regeneration.  The lab is developing a platform of drugs targeting Cx43 function.  website here

Chappell Lab [VT-Carilion, Roanoke]

Pericytes are cells that wrap around blood vessels to maintain their stability and regulate their diameter through vasomotion.  Disruptions in pericyte contribution to the vascular wall can lead to disease progression including diabetic retinopathy.  Dr. Chappell and his lab use computational modeling approaches in conjunction with real-time imaging of ex vivo and in vitro models of blood vessel formation to understand pericyte behavior during blood vessel formation in health and disease.  Understanding the mechanisms behind pericyte recruitment and investment will provide rationale and guidance for targeting pericyte-endothelial cell interactions for therapeutic benefit.

Collins Lab - Hard Tissue Biomechanics and Computational Mechanobiology [Blacksburg]

 Collins Lab - Hard Tissue Biomechanics and Computational Mechanobiology: Caitlyn Collins, PI
Our lab integrates non-invasive imaging methods with experimental mechanics and computational modeling in order to develop clinically applicable tools to monitor bone integrity, fracture risk, and fracture healing in patients. Through this, the lab aims to better understand and model how the mechanobiological pathways in bone modulate its structure and physiology from cell to organ scale, and how diseases and treatments perturb this system.

Comparative Biomechanics Lab [Blacksburg]

Comparative Biomechanics Lab: Jake Socha, PI
Our lab studies the biomechanics of motion in animals, conducting integrative research that crosses traditional boundaries of engineering and biology.  We study how form relates to function in a diverse range of animals including snakes, lizards, frogs, birds, and insects, examining how animals move in flows and how flows are created within animals. We aim to understand the biomechanics of animals both for fundamental understanding of physiology, ecology and evolution, and as inspiration for novel engineering applications (‘bio-inspired engineering').  website here.

Comprehensive Cancer Center [Winston-Salem]

Because research brings hope, basic science, clinical and public health researchers at the Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University collaborate to answer complex questions that lead to promising new treatments and therapies.  The research programs are structured to optimize multidisciplinary and translational research.  Our researchers work together to take the most promising discoveries from the laboratory into the clinic for the benefit of our patients and the cancer community as a whole.  Website here.

Crash Injury Research & Engineering Network (CIREN) [Blacksburg and Winston-Salem]

The Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) is a multi-center research program involving a collaboration of clinicians and engineers in academia, industry, and government. Together, they are pursuing in-depth studies of crashes, injuries, and treatments to improve processes and outcomes.
CIREN's mission is to improve the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of motor vehicle crash injuries to reduce deaths, disabilities, and human and economic costs.  Website here

Human Neuroimaging Laboratory [VT-Carilion, Roanoke]

The Human Neuroimaging Laboratory (HNL) is part of the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, located in Roanoke, Virginia.  Research projects cover a wide variety of fields, including neuroscience, psychology, political science and economics.  Particular areas of interest are hyperscanning (a means of exploring brain activity that underlies human social interactions), social neuroscience, neural circuitry of valuation and decision-making, and disruptions of such processes associated with developmental and psychiatric illness.  The HNL serves as the primary imaging facility of the VTCRI. Website here

Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS) [Blacksburg]

The Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science supports and promotes cutting edge research at the intersection of engineering, science and medicine. ICTAS stimulates, catalyzes, and promotes growth of research at Virginia Tech. ICTAS provides a collaborative atmosphere designed to stimulate and promote creativity, a place where intellectual capacity can be explored and challenged to reach areas previously explored in isolation.  Website Here

Kevin P. Granata Biomechanics Lab [Blacksburg]

Kevin P. Granata Biomechanics Lab: Robin Queen, PI
The Kevin P. Granata Biomechanics lab, directed by Robin Queen, is dedicated to preventing injuries, determining optimal rehabilitation strategies, and assessing readiness to return to activity for those impacted by injury or joint pain. In the spirit of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) we strive to positively impact the lives of individuals across the lifespan from young children to older adults by restoring movement and loading symmetry and preserving long-term joint health through mechanical and therapeutic interventions. Website here.

LaConte Lab [VT-Carilion, Roanoke]

Research in the LaConte Lab is devoted to advanced neuroimaging acquisition and data analysis approaches, aimed at understanding and rehabilitating neurological and psychiatric diseases.  A major focus of the lab in an innovation in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) which we developed and call "temporally adaptive brain state" (TABS) fMRI.  The inception of TABS arose from two major recent advances in neuroimaging, namely 1) the recognition that multi-voxel patterns of fMRI data can be used to decode brain states and 2) the emergence of real-time fMRI as a viable tool for neurofeedback.  website here.

Laboratory for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering [Blacksburg]

Our research focuses on the development of model tissue constructs or functional tissue units and the study of cell-substratum interactions. A primary goal is to design tissue constructs that mimic the native structure of tissues in-vivo and to systematically probe cellular response to a variety of cues. This involves the fabrication of bio-compatible scaffolds and templates, and more importantly tailoring surface and bulk properties. Another research interest of our group is to quantify cell-substratum interactions. Specifically, our studies focus on how chemical and mechanical properties of an underlying substratum affect cellular motility and contractility. Website Here

Laboratory for Complex Brain Networks [Winston-Salem]

The LCBN is a Wake Forest Baptist Health neuroscience and neuroimaging research facility located on the Medical Campus of Wake Forest University.  It consists of an association of scientists located at universities, laboratories and research centers around the world that focus on imaging technology and emergence in complex systems.  The primary focus of the laboratory is the development of innovative ideas, methods, and technologies for systematic understanding of emergence in dynamic complex systems such as the brain. Through the development and use of network science methods, the work of the LCBN offers a means to quantify and analyze networks of complex systems. Website here

Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics in Nature [Blacksburg]

Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics in Nature: Anne Staples, PI
The research at the Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics in Nature (FiNLab) is focused on two main themes: fluid flows in nature, and advanced computational methods for fluid flows.  The natural systems studied at FiNLab range from insect respiratory flows, which occur at the microscale, to planetary atmospheric flows with length scales on the order of tens of kilometers.  There is an emphasis on biomimetics for efficiency, resilience, and sustainability, on high performance computing, and on advanced multiscale computational modeling  website here.

Micro/NanoScale Biotic/Abiotic Systems Engineering (MicroN BASE) Laboratory [Blacksburg]

Our lab focuses on interfaces between biological and synthetic systems (or bio-hybrid-engineering).  The research interests cover the study of micro-nano-robotics, nanotechnology, bio-nano interface, and biophysics of bacteria motility, chemotaxis and adhesion.  There are two main broad categories of activities: (1) developing bio-hybrid engineered systems (biomicrorobots) in which biological components are utilized for actuation, sensing, communication, and control. (2) studying mechanisms of adhesion, motility and sensing in cells or unicellular microorganisms. website here

Microfluidics Lab [Blacksburg]

Our research is concerned with the new science and technology generated by applying micro/nanofabricated structures and devices to biological studies and biosensors.  One emphasis in our research is to develop high-throughput microfluidic tools to manipulate and analyze single cells and extract biological information.  Another thrust in the group is on developing flow-through electroporation for efficient gene delivery into cells.  Our ultimate goal is to apply this technique to create genetically modified cells for cancer immunotherapy, stem cell therapy and tissue regeneration.  website here.

Nerve Mechanics Laboratory [Blacksburg]

Nerve Mechanics Laboratory: Arina Korneva, PI 
Nerve Mechanics Laboratory is working on understanding the mechanics of nerve tissues and cells during neurodegeneration (nerve loss). We employ continuum mechanics approaches combined with microscopy-based testing methods to characterize the mechanical behavior of tissues and cells. Students are a part of an interdisciplinary team of mechanical engineers, biomedical engineers, and neuroscientists. The long-term goal of the group is to combine mechanics and biology to understand disease mechanisms.

Occupational Ergonomics & Biomechanics Lab [Blacksburg]

The Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics Laboratory conducts work in theoretical and applied ergonomics, occupational biomechanics, and work physiology, primarily relating to work site, workstation, and equipment evaluation and design. Specifically, research is focused on biomechanics of the human body (modeling, strength, motions, and working postures); human engineering of systems, equipment, tools, workstations and work tasks, and ergonomic design for safety, efficiency, and performance. Website Here

Orthopedic Mechanobiology Laboratory [Blacksburg]

Orthopedic Mechanobiology Laboratory: Vincent Wang, PI
The Orthopedic Mechanobiology Lab conducts research on orthopedic and soft tissue biomechanics, mechano-stimulation of tendon healing, and artificial intelligence approaches to injury detection.  Our collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches include (a) pre-clinical animal studies and experimental assessment of tendon biomechanics, structure, and cell biologic responses, (b) machine learning analyses of clinical ultrasound images, (c) structure-function investigations of soft tissue pathomechanics, and (d) biomechanical studies of soft tissue surgical repair procedures.  

Quantitative Imaging Lab [Winston-Salem]

The focus of the Magnetic Resonance Quantitative Imaging Lab is to develop quantitative imaging techniques with magnetic resonance imaging to answer scientific questions and improve patient care.  These imaging techniques are being used in numerous collaborative projects ranging from temperature mapping to evaluate new hyperthermia treatments with multiwalled carbon nanotubes, to measuring cerebral blood flow for improving patient care, to using phase contrast imaging to measure vascular stiffness.  Traditional medical imaging has largely been qualitative, that is, the intensity of a pixel is arbitrary and only conveys relative information when comparing pixels. In contrast, the pixel intensities in quantitative images are directly proportional to a physical parameter (temperature, density, blood flow, velocity, concentration, etc.). This type of imaging provides repeatable, observer-independent measure of physical quantities.

Robotics and Sensorimotor Control Lab [Blacksburg]

Robotics and Sensorimotor Control Lab: Netta Gurari, PI
The Robotics and Sensorimotor Control Lab is comprised of a multi-disciplinary research team that is investigating how humans perceive somatosensory signals at their upper limbs. The overarching research goal of the lab is to apply robotics concepts to the field of quantitative systems neuroscience to develop a richer understanding of the human sensorimotor system and, in turn, to develop more effective treatments for those with compromised sensorimotor control.

T. M. Murali Laboratory [Blacksburg]

The functioning of a living cell is governed by intricate networks of physical, functional, and regulatory interactions among different types of molecules.  Recent experimental advances have yielded unprecedented insights into the structure of these interaction networks and into patterns of molecular activity (mRNA, proteins, and metabolites) in response to different conditions.  The ultimate goal of my research is to build phenomenological and predictive models of these networks by developing approaches that investigate the relationships among the molecules in a cell, how these elements are organized into functional modules, how these modules interact with each other, and how different modules become activated or de-activated in various cell states.  Website here.

The Hall Lab: Basic and Applied Nanobiotechnology [Winston-Salem]

We are an interdisciplinary group of scientists using the tools of nanotechnology to study biology at the smallest scale.  Our goals are to learn more about the basic functions and interactions of biological molecules and to use what we find to achieve new capabilities with biomedical implications.  In pursuing this goal, we bring together aspects of physics, engineering, molecular biology, and many other disciplines.  Website here.

The Roberts Glyco-Diversity Lab

The Roberts Glyco-Diversity Lab: Monet Roberts, PI
We explore the role of the glycocalyx in disease and ways we can leverage it in developing and engineering tools to mitigate disease. Website here.

Tissue Engineering Lab [Blacksburg]

The Tissue Engineering Laboratory explores methods for developing engineered bone and ligament tissues using a combination of novel biomaterials, adult stem cells, and advanced bioreactor technologies.  Some specific issues being addressed include; elastomeric polyurethane biomaterials, electrospun fiber meshes with tunable mechanical and topographical properties, mechanotransduction and cell signaling in dynamic bioreactors, quantitative imaging of developing tissues, and fluid mechanics and mass transport. Website Here

VT MEMS Laboratory [Blacksburg]

Research at VT MEMS Lab currently centers on the development of three-dimensional micromachining techniques, micro gas analyzers for environmental and healthcare applications, biochips for cell analysis, cancer diagnosis, and cancer treatment monitoring, and biochips for pathogen detection in water.  MEMS technology is used along with various microscopy techniques to determine mechanical and electrical signatures of cells under controlled microenvironments.  Additional major thrust areas of research include micro analytical chemistry and micro/nano fabrication.  Website here

Verbridge Laboratory for Integrative Tumor Ecology (LITE) [Blacksburg]

The LITE lab's main thrust is in using the tools of micro/nano technology and tissue engineering to study the role of cell-microenvironment interactions in cancer.  One aim is to develop new engineering tools and in-vitro culture platforms to illuminate cellular response to microenvironmental cues (i.e. cell-cell, cell-matrix, chemical, electrical) and stresses (i.e. hypoxia, radiation, drug treatment) in a physiologically relevant 3-D context.  website here.

Virginia Tech - Carilion Research Institute (VTCRI) [Roanoke]

Research conducted at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute (VTCRI) creates a bridge between basic science research at Virginia Tech and clinical expertise at Carilion Clinic and increases translational research opportunities for both partners.  Research conducted by scientists at the institute is aimed at understanding the molecular basis for health and disease, and development of diagnostic tools, treatments, and therapies that will contribute to the prevention and solution of existing and emerging problems in contemporary medicine.  Research areas of emphasis which presently align with areas of strength and active research at Virginia Tech include inflammation, infectious disease, neuroscience, and cardiovascular science and cardiology.  website here.

Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) [Blacksburg]

Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI): Zachary Doerzaph, Executive Director
The modern transportation system is among humankind’s greatest inventions.  However, the negative consequences of moving people and goods has created unprecedented global challenges which are impacting our health and wellbeing.  The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) believes in a future with safe ubiquitous and effective transportation.  As the largest of seven premier research institutes created by Virginia Tech to answer national challenges, VTTI is continually advancing transportation through innovation and has affected technology and public policy on national and international levels.  We support the development and evaluation of advanced technologies and operations using our laboratories, numerical models, test-tracks, field studies and analysis toolchains. The applied nature of our work is intended to support original equipment manufacturers, automotive suppliers, policy makers, and infrastructure owner operators in designing and improving the effectiveness of systems by quantifying performance benefits, resilience, unintended consequences, and potential misuse while also characterizing user acceptance, reliance, comprehension, and understanding of advanced vehicle and infrastructure systems.  With VTTI, you will work alongside over 400 talented individuals who are dedicating their lives to saving lives

WFSM Orthopedic Surgery Lab [Winston-Salem]

Orthopedic Surgery has numerous collaborative research projects with SBES faculty in many areas including:
  • Hand/Upper Extremity/Microsurgery
  • Sports Medicine
  • Orthopedic Trauma and Foot & Ankle Surgery
  • Total Joint Arthroplasty, Adult Reconstruction and Joint Preservation Surgery (Hip and Knee)

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) [Winston-Salem]

Ever since the first engineered skin tissue was transplanted in 1981, the potential of regenerative medicine has captured the imagination of physicians and scientists worldwide. Technologies for engineering tissues are developing rapidly, with the ultimate goal of delivering new therapies into patients as safely and efficiently as possible.  Our current research focuses on a wide range of engineered tissues with the aim of making a lasting impact on conditions ranging from diabetes to heart disease. In addition, we're working to apply the science of regenerative medicine to battlefield injuries and are working to help solve the shortage of donated organs available for transplant. As a result of our preliminary successes, tissue engineering and cellular therapy programs now span multiple organ systems. Website Here
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Course Listing for Biomedical Engineering
