Graduate Catalog
Policies, Procedures, Academic Programs
College of Science
Construction begun 1970; major work completed December 1971 (except auditorium). Cost $2,714,514; 123,000 sq. ft. (approx.). Named after John McLaren McBryde (1841-1923) was President from 1891 to 1907. Known as the "Father of VPI," McBryde laid the foundation for modern Virginia Tech. He increased bachelor's degree offerings, added graduate programs, created an infirmary, and christened the motto Ut Prosim.
460 McBryde Hall, Mail Code: 0123, 225 Stanger Street Blacksburg VA 24061
McBryde Hall
Degree(s) Offered:
• MS
MS Degree in Mathematics
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Offered In:
• PhD
PhD Degree in Mathematics
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Offered In:
Email Contact(s):
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Application Deadlines:
Fall: Jan 01
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Department Chair : Sarah Reznikoff
Graduate Program Director : Anderson Norton
Professors: Slimane Adjerid; Christopher Beattie; Jeffrey Borggaard; John Burns; Mihaela Ciupe; Eric De Sturler; Alexander Elgart; Mark Embree; Serkan Gugercin; Peter Haskell; Traian Iliescu; Martin Klaus; Tao Lin; Nicholas Loehr; Gretchen Matthews; Constantin Mihalcea; Anderson Norton; Mark Shimozono; Shu Ming Sun; Timothy Warburton; Megan Wawro; Jesse Wilkins (Affiliated Faculty); Pengtao Yue
Associate Professors: Nicole Abaid; Lara Anderson (Affiliated Faculty); Lauren Childs; James Gray (Affiliated Faculty); Honghu Liu; Agnieszka Miedlar; Daniel Orr; Eyvindur Palsson; Peter Wapperom; Lizette Zietsman
Assistant Professors: Paul Cazeaux; Estrella Johnson; Jason LeGrow; Travis Morrison; Michael Robert; Johann Rudi; Omar Saucedo; Wenbo Sun; Yun Yang
Hatcher Professor of Mathematics: John Burns
Virginia Tech Class of 1950 Professor: Serkan Gugercin
Luther and Alice Hamlett Professor: Mark Embree
John K. Costain Faculty Chair: Timothy Warburton
Hamlett Junior Faculty Fellow: Lara Anderson (Affiliated Faculty)

Mathematics Introduction

The Department of Mathematics offers programs leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Both traditional and interdisciplinary options are available for the M.S. degree. Details about the M.S. and Ph.D. degree options can be found in our graduate program policies document available at

The department has internationally recognized excellence in the areas of algebra and combinatorics, algebraic geometry and topology, computational science, continuous and discrete dynamical systems, control theory and optimization, fluid dynamics, math education, mathematical biology and mathematical physics, number theory, numerical analysis, and partial differential equations. This research is supported by collaborations with researchers across Virginia Tech either in other departments or in various centers and institutes. These include, among others, the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, the Fralin Life Sciences Institute, and the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics (a University research center). Please visit the Department of Mathematics at for more information.
Offered In (Blacksburg)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • Paper
      • 550.0
    • Computer
      • 213.0
    • iBT
      • 80.0
The M.S. degree is designed to be completed in two years of graduate study. Thesis and non-thesis options are available for the M.S. degree. In the thesis option the student writes and defends a Master's Thesis under the direction of a faculty member. The time spent preparing the thesis is represented by 6 to 9 hours of MATH 5994 (Research and Thesis) among the required courses. 

The department also offers a special interdisciplinary plan for either the thesis or non-thesis M.S. degrees. This plan is intended for students having clearly defined, interdisciplinary career goals. Additional flexibility in the formal requirements allows the student's advisory committee to customize a Plan of Study to the student's goals. It must be emphasized that the interdisciplinary plan is intended only for students who enter the graduate program with specific, interdisciplinary career objectives. The student desiring studies under this plan needs to take the initiative to develop an appropriate Plan of Study at the very outset of their graduate studies.

Hour requirements: for any of the degree options, the student's Plan of Study must show 30 hours. The courses which make up these 30 hours must meet the constraints indicated in "Policies and Degree Requirements" (Transfer credit may be used for up to 50% of coursework numbered 5000 and higher, subject to the advisory committee's approval and Graduate School guidelines.)
Offered In (Blacksburg)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • Paper
      • 550.0
    • Computer
      • 213.0
    • iBT
      • 80.0

The Ph.D. requires the completion of 90 hours, of which between 30 and 60 must be MATH 7994 (Research and Dissertation). At least 27 hours must be mathematics courses (excluding Research and Dissertation) numbered 5000 or higher. No more than 50% of the graded credit hours needed to satisfy the requirements for a Virginia Tech graduate degree may be transferred in from a regionally accredited university. All such credits must have earned grades of "B" or better, have been earned while in good standing in graduate status, and must have been graduate courses (numbered 5000 or higher) at the institution where the student took the courses. All transfer credit is subject to the advisory committee's approval and Graduate School guidelines. Courses used toward the M.S. in mathematics may be used toward the Ph.D. as well.

More information about the specific requirements for the Ph.D. can be found in "Policies and Degree Requirements" at

Mathematics Facilities Introduction

Students on assistantship are allocated office space in the department and offices are made available to those students not on assistantship as space allows. All students have access to a well-equipped graduate computer laboratory and access to the department's GPU clusters.

Mathematics Facilities

Students on assistantship are allocated office space in the department and offices are made available to those students not on assistantship as space allows. All students have access to a well-equipped graduate computer laboratory and access to the department's GPU clusters.
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Course Listing for Mathematics
