Graduate Catalog
Policies, Procedures, Academic Programs
Graduate School Policies
Second Master's Degree

Second Master's Degree (both degrees at Virginia Tech). The requirements for a second master's degree (after the first master's has been completed) are the same as for the first master's degree: an additional 30-54 hours, depending on the degree sought. No more than 50% of appropriate graded course work, to meet the requirements for a master's degree, may be common to both degrees. For example, if one master's degree requires 20 credits of graded coursework and the other requires 30 credits of graded coursework, no more than 10 credits (50% of the graded work on the degree with lower graded credit requirements) can be used toward both degrees. No Research or Project and Report credits from the first master's degree can be used for the second master's degree. No credits can be triple-counted. If the first master's degree is from another university, see Transfer Credits.