Graduate Catalog
Policies, Procedures, Academic Programs
Graduate School Policies
Inclusion and Diversity
Prompted by the adoption of Commission on Graduate Studies and Policies Resolution 2017-18A, "Resolution to Incorporate an Inclusion and Diversity Education Component into Graduate Education," all Virginia Tech graduate programs have been expected to identify training modules suitable for students in their respective disciplines.  Consistent with the Principles of Community, these training experiences are intended to reflect Virginia Tech’s commitment to an inclusive graduate education for all students and promote ut prosim (service). Akin to the training in Scholarly Ethics and Integrity, the training plans address a set of required topics and a set that may be adapted to each program's needs.

Required Topics:
  1. The Virginia Tech Principles of Community as they apply to the valuing of human diversity and inclusion.
  2. The impact that personal actions and words have on self, others, and the communities—university, national, and global—in which we live; issues of privilege, bias, power, prejudice, and discrimination; concepts of multiple personal, social, and cultural identities.
  3. Available avenues of redress and our shared responsibilities as active by-standers.
  4. The process of individual introspection required both to understand one’s own forms of implicit or unconscious bias and to create inclusive environments.

Additional Topics/Focus Areas (as appropriate to the particular academic unit):
  1. Inclusion and Diversity in a global context; institutional and governmental policies affecting immigration, accessibility, affordability, and related matters.
  2. Historical perspectives on diversity and the impact of traditions of privilege on the development of the discipline represented by the particular academic unit; inclusive pedagogy.
  3. Effective strategies for inter- or intrapersonal conflict resolution; pathways to individual reconciliation of unconscious or implicit bias.
A list of the approved Inclusion and Diversity training plans may be found on the Graduate School website here:  Students should indicate on their Plans of Study the manner in which they have already or intend to meet the requirement.